Chaplain’s Corner

What a delight it is each year to welcome the newness and freshness of springtime. Wherever you live, whatever the climate, spring is a reminder that resurrection is possible, and renewal is wonderful. It’s enough to make a person want to pray. And what better prayers can we offer at this time of year than a springtime prayer such as the following:

 A Hymn of John Newton

Lord, afford a spring to me,
Let me feel like what I see;
Speak, and by your gracious voice,
Make my drooping soul rejoice.

On your garden deign to smile,
Raise the plants, enrich the soil;
Soon your presence will restore
Life to what seemed dead before.

(Adapted from A Hymn for Spring by John Newton)

Whether you welcome this new season with the above, or pen a paean of praise that is all your own, may a new season of prayer blossom in your heart and life.