Chaplains Corner


Larry Williamson

Trusting in Our Father September 14,2014

Perfect love expels all fear 1 John 4:18b (NLT)

While eating at a fast food restaurant my wife and I sat and talked while Landon our grandson played in the play area with a little girl he had just met. He followed her up to the top of the tunnel slide. Landon was happily playing, but when the time came for us to leave, he was stuck at the top of the tunnel slide, afraid to come down. We couldn’t see him and he couldn’t see us. He could hear us, but it was hard for him to trust us without seeing us. Finally, he called down, “Opa! Catch me! ” I stood in front of the slide and called up to him, “Okay, Landon, I’m ready to catch you now!” A couple seconds later, my grandson came flying down the slide and into my arms.

Later that evening as I reflected on Landon’s fear of going down the slide, I wondered how our Father must feel when he asks us to do something and we are afraid to do it. We can’t see God, but God is always there, waiting with arms wide open to catch us, if we will just trust him and say, “Daddy! Catch me!“

Larry Williamson
Post 79 Chaplain