Chaplain’s Corner

Chaplains Corner by Larry Williamson

Jesus is My Light May 2016

Therefore consider whether the light in you is not darkness. Luke `11:35


“They glow in the dark!” the boy’s exclaimed to me. Running to a lamp they held their new toys under the light bulb. After a minute Lyle ran into the dark closet and shut the door. “This is really neat!” he called back.

Lee however was impatient and only held his for a few seconds and was disappointed when the glow did not last long.

Sometimes I am impatient too. I go before the Lord to spend quiet time and do not stay long enough to soak in God’s goodness. My time with God is short on busy days.

The more time I spend in God’s presence, though, the greater will be my reflection of God. And as I meditate on God’s word, I am transformed into the; person God wants me to be.