Chaplains Corner

                                                    Hidden Help February 2016

The Lord will keep you from all harm-he will watch over your life. Psalm 121:7 (NIV)


      One night, I was walking out side and there was a light snow in the air, but it was undetectable against the cloudy sky. I didn’t realize it was snowing until I walked by a lamppost. All the little ice crystals falling near it were lit up. I stopped to stare. Now that I had stopped, I could feel the gentle touch of the snow against my skin. The snow was all around me! I just didn’t see it.

        In that moment, I realized how God, like the snow, is all around me even if I can’t see God. The Lord becomes more apparent when I’m in the light, and when I stop and wait for the gentle touch of his presence. Just because God is invisible, it doesn’t mean that God is any less real. The snow reminds me, that God always surrounds me and watches over me with great love. 


Larry Williamson