Chaplain’s Corner


Larry Williamson

Sunflower June 2014

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and protector of our faith. Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)

As I drove in Kansas to visit my brother, I noticed the golden yellow sunflowers that lined the sides of the country road. Each of them stood like soldiers at attention, with their heads bent east in the direction of the sun. In the late afternoon I noticed, each was facing west. I knew that all day long they had kept turning toward the sun. When it rose in the morning, they turned to the east, greeting it; at noon they looked straight up, mirroring its glory; and by sunset they were all facing west, bidding the sun good-by.

To learn a truth Jesus told us to “consider the lilies” (Luke 12:27.

(RSV). I considered the faithful sunflowers and was taught a lesson from “the plants of the earth.” As the sunflower followed the sun all day long, so do I always need to keep my eyes on the Son.