Larry Williamson AMVETS CHAPLAIN
Chaplains Corner
Although he (Jesus) was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered Hebrews 5:8 (NIV)
While working on a bright winter’s day, the room suddenly got dark. “Who turned out the light?” someone said. But no one had. In fact, the light
had not been on. A passing cloud had blotted out the sun, and the darkness was overwhelming. We watched as it moved slowly past until the room was again flooded with sunlight.
That graphic picture of darkness and light now comes to mind often. It was only a cloud …. but how often does the sunshine in my life get obscured by another’s unkind word or action, a misjudged motive, or a misunderstanding? Such clouds may erase the sunshine of Jesus’ love. Though I cannot always see he pathway ahead, I will lay aside my doubting, and trust him who is the Light of the World.