Larry Williamson AMVETS CHAPLAIN
Chaplains Corner
Be Prepared March 2015
Prepare a pathway for the Lord’s coming! Make a straight road for him. Mark 1:3 (NLT)
The grocery store shelves were empty. An enormous snowstorm was on its way into our region and local residents had striped the shelves of emergency items such as milk, bread and bottled water. At places like Home Depot and Lowes, demands for snow shovels, rock salt, generators, and batteries outstripped the supply. Every one wanted to be prepared for a disaster.
How strange it is that everyone listens to the weather report and prepares ahead of time for natural disasters, but so few of us think to prepare for a far more important event. John the Baptist sent out warnings two thousand years ago alerting people to the reality of impending judgment. Yet how many of us spend more time preparing for a snowstorm than we do preparing to face God?
Snow will come, yes, but it will melt in a few days and soon be forgotten. What are we doing to; prepare for eternity.