Category Archives: Ladies Auxiliary Newsletter

Ladies Auxiliary Newsletter
This message is updated monthly
Check back often for the latest information

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

The Waverly Ladies’ AMVETS Auxiliary held an informal meeting on Wednesday,
February 16, 2022. Because we did not have enough members to hold a formal meeting. Please, mark your calendar for the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 pm. for our meetings. Most of the time we are able to conduct meeting in an hour. Bring new ideas for projects to be done the community, schools, and hospitals.

Amy presented information about Waverly Shell Rock’s project graduation that had
been sent to the WAVP requesting donations. After a discussion it was decided that
$100.00 would be donated the Waverly Shell Rock Project Graduation. This will be
added to the annual donation list.

A discussion was held about the Americanism coloring contest as the information will
need to be distributed to the schools prior to the March meeting. Amy shared that there
are 731 children in grades kindergarten through four in the three W-SR elementary
schools and St. Pauls. After a discussion, a decision was made to keep the prizes the
same as they were last year; $1.00 for each entry in the K-1 coloring contest, and a
$20.00 first place, $10.00 second place, and $5.00 third place award for each grade
level in the 2-4 poster contest. The material will be distributed to the
schools the week of March 7, so the children have spring break to work on their entries. 

Other dates to keep in mind: 1st Friday of the month, starting in April volunteers will once again be able to travel to IVH in Marshalltown for Bingo and helping in the craft room. Volunteers will need to attend new training for facility and also be fully vaccinated. If you would like to be on the list of volunteers, contact Wanda Benning or myself. We will have a day in March, yet to be determined, that we will go for the training. April is the time we do our 6-month reports. If you have volunteered in the community, schools, churches, or hospitals, donated to Trinkets and Togs or Goodwill, or made monetary donations, you can submit the items to me by email Estimate value of donated items but be specific on hours and monetary donations. SEC (State Executive Committee) meeting will be held April 2-3 at the WAVP here in Waverly, A recognition dinner, honoring our State Commanders and Presidents will be Saturday night and meetings will start at 9 am Sunday morning. If you would like to learn more about what is being done throughout the State for our Veterans, this would be a great opportunity for you to learn more.

Thanks for all you do! 

Mary Steinbach, President AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79 Waverly, Iowa 319-230-9318

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Information for the various Scholarship for AMVETS, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, and Sons of AMVETS may be found by visiting the website:

Membership Chair Amy Slaba shared that we currently have 108 members, 102
renewals and six new members, which is two short of the quota of 110. There are
currently seven members from 2021 who have not renewed. If you know of someone that would qualify as a member, please contact Amy or myself for an application or the form may be found on the website.

Americanism chair, Amy Slaba, reported that 20 Christmas care packages were packed
and delivered to Bartles during the holiday season. Mary and Amy went shopping to
purchase the items for the bags. Sandy, Wanda, Cheryl, Sally, Mary and Amy met and put the bags together and Wanda delivered them to Bartles. Amy also reminded everyone that when reporting for Americanism, they should be sure include the time spent at funerals, visitations,
memorial services etc. for veterans and monetary donations made as memorials for

Hospital Chair, Wanda Benning, reported that the Salute to Veterans and the Foreign
Food Fair will be held again this year at the Iowa Veterans Home. These will be held in
each unit rather than as one large event this year.

The winter SEC meeting was held this Sunday, January 23, in Evansdale. 
The National President will be in Iowa February 11 – 13. Mary will pass on an invitation
for her to attend the WAVP breakfast on that Saturday, February 12. Mary will be setting up a tours of Retrieving Freedom and Lutheran Services Iowa, Bremwood Campus, which is one the Department projects this year.

The January food night was held on Thursday, January 27 with the menu of
Beef and Noodles, glazed carrots, ciabatta rolls, and brownies. Ice cream can be
added to brownies for dine in orders. 

A donation box for the Iowa Veterans Home will be put out at this time and the donations will be taken down in March when they go down for the Foreign Food Fair.  All toiletry items will need to be full size, and unopened.

Thank you to all Auxiliary members for help with the gift bags at Christmas, prepping and serving the Auxiliary Food night, and to all Auxiliary members that have renewed their dues for 2022. Dues paid help fund the various projects for the year and validate us as a Veterans service organization. We could exist without YOU!!

Mary Steinbach, President 319-230-9318

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year.

Thank you for your continued support by paying your 2022 dues, attending the monthly Thursday night meals, and any monetary donations made to the Auxiliary. 

Last month, we bought items to put together gift bags for 20 Veterans at Bartels. Children from the Waverly Child Care made cards that were inserted in the bags Wishing them a Merry Christmas and thanking them for their service. This is just one of the many projects the Auxiliary supports. We are always looking for volunteers to help with the Food nights, prepare and serve meals, and many other projects done through out the year.

Plan to attend the monthly meetings, 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 7:00. By attending you can learn more about upcoming events, projects, and volunteer opportunities.

Thank you to all Auxiliary members for this past year’s dedication to supporting our Veterans and their families. 

The AMVETS Auxiliary Motto “We waited together, now Let’s Work Together”. 

Looking forward to 2022, coming together as an team to do more for Veterans, our Community, our Hospitals, and our Youth.

Mary Steinbach, President, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79


AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Membership Chair shared that there are currently 82 members who have
renewed their membership for 2022, 28 short of the 2022 quota. We have 5 new members! Please welcome: Laura Sager, Susy Johnson, Joanne Gulick, Deb Lund, and Lilah Grimm to the Auxiliary Family. The membership dinner was successful and your continued support to the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is appreciated. For those that have yet to renewed dues for 2022, $25.00 may be mailed to:

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79   Attention Amy   PO Box 93   Waverly, Iowa 50677

Americanism chair, Amy, reported that she had reached out to Bartles about
doing care packages for the veterans that live there again this year. There are 20
veterans that reside at Bartles this year and we will be assembling bags to be distributed.

Our Auxiliary Donated to the Iowa Veterans Home for Christmas parties and cookies.

Keep the families of Veronica McKenzie and Sally O’Hare for losses in their families. 

Past Department President Loraine Atkins passed away in November. Loraine also served as Department Hospital Chairman for many years. She was recognized for her dedication to AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary locally, for the Department of Iowa, and also Nationally.

May this season bring joy, love, and blessings to you and your family.


AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Membership Chair shared that there are currently 82 members who have
renewed their membership for 2022, 28 short of the 2022 quota. We have 5 new members! Please welcome: Laura Sager, Susy Johnson, Joanne Gulick, Deb Lund, and Lilah Grimm to the Auxiliary Family. The membership dinner was successful and your continued support to the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is appreciated. For those that have yet to renewed dues for 2022, $25.00 may be mailed to:

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79   Attention Amy   PO Box 93   Waverly, Iowa 50677

Americanism chair, Amy, reported that she had reached out to Bartles about
doing care packages for the veterans that live there again this year. There are 20
veterans that reside at Bartles this year and we will be assembling bags to be distributed.

Our Auxiliary Donated to the Iowa Veterans Home for Christmas parties and cookies.

Keep the families of Veronica McKenzie and Sally O’Hare for losses in their families. 

Past Department President Loraine Atkins passed away in November. Loraine also served as Department Hospital Chairman for many years. She was recognized for her dedication to AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary locally, for the Department of Iowa, and also Nationally.

May this season bring joy, love, and blessings to you and your family.


AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Thank you to those that attended the membership dinner, paid their dues, and continue to support AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary. We had about 40 ladies attending. Special guest for the evening was Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary President, Nancy Carrier. Nancy is from Evansdale and has been a member there for many years. She has served her Auxiliary through a variety of offices and has held many for the Department of Iowa. Her theme this year is the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Motto: We waited together… Now let’s work together. Nancy talked about this last year or so, waiting for to get back to what the auxiliary doesibest..supporting our veterans, volunteering in our communities, and supporting our youth. It’s time to get back to working together to accomplish this.

Thank you the Amy for coordinating the  night, the table deco, and the meal. She did a great job. If you have not paid your 2022 dues, please send $25.00 to MVETS Ladies Auxiliary PO Box 93 Waverly, Iowa 50677. We would like to have 100% paid membership by December 30, 2021.

We would like to see more members attending the monthly meetings and also volunteering for the Food nights.

Thank you

Mary Steinbach President AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Our membership dinner will be held October 20th at the WAVP with Social Time at 6:00 and a lasagna dinner served at 6:30. We ask that you pre-register for the dinner This will help with the preparation and serving the meal. Dues of $25.00 may be paid that night or may be paid at anytime by sending $25.00 to AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary PO Box 93 Waverly, Iowa 50677.

We will be recognizing members for their years of continued membership and  members working during our monthly Food Nights. Our Special guest for the evening will be Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Presidenat Nancy Carrier. Nancy was elected at the June Department Convention. She has served as President before and has held various offices on that level, has been the National Executive Committee Woman, and is very active with her local Auxiliary in Evansdale. Her passion has always been supporting our veterans and their families. Her project for the year is supporting our VA Hospitals and Iowa Veterans Home.

For those that ordered t-shirts or polos, they can be paid for that night and they will be there for you to pick up. If you are not able to be there, contact us to arrange payment and pick up.

Plan to attend this year’s membership dinner. together we can make a difference for our community, our veterans, and our youth. WE ARE IOWA STRONG”

We waited together, now let’s work together

Mary Steinbach, President 319-230-9318

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79 Waverly, Iowa

September marks the beginning of our membership drive.  Please consider renewing your membership.  The more members we have, the more our voice can be heard, and the more we can do to support our veterans! You can send your 2022 membership dues of $25.00 and your current address, phone number, and email address to…

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79

Attn: Amy Slaba, Membership Chair

PO Box 93

Waverly, IA 50677 

Membership dues can also be paid at our membership dinner that will be held on October 20th.  Mark your calendars!


If you know of someone who was a member in the past and who might like to join again, or of someone who is eligible to be a member (the mother, wife, widow, sister, daughter, or granddaughter of an AMVET member or a female veteran) and may be interested in joining,  please encourage them to join you at our membership dinner to learn more about who we are and what we do!

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

Mary Steinbach
Local Post #79 President and
Past Department President

The Auxiliary did not meet in July as planned because we did not have enough ladies there to have an official meeting. I am encouraging any and all members to attend meetings, only if it just a few times a year. We meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 in the board room of the WAVP. Meeting are a great way to keep informed of what we are doing for our Veterans and to assist when possible.

Our food nights have been very successful, giving us the opportunity to make donations to various project in the community, scholarships for our youth, and to support the Department and National Organization. Through the Department and National Organization, we are able to secure and protect the benefits of our Veterans. Through the Auxiliary we can give emotional support to the families of our current serving military, and to the families who have lost a loved one. We all have ways we can help. Attend a meeting to learn more, bring ideas, and lend a helping hand when needed.

We will not be meeting in August, but will continue again in September.

With the upcoming months, we will be beginning our membership drive. Please continue your support not only renewing your membership, but seek other qualifying ladies to join our organization. 

Thank you,

Mary Steinbach, president, 319-230-9318

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

We are proud to announce our 2021 scholarship winners!

The three scholarship winners and their families were in attendance and the following
scholarships were presented: The $500.00 Donna Fischer Memorial Scholarship to Ella
Canney who will be attending Wartburg College in the fall to study business, a $500.00
scholarship to Abigael Thier who will a senior at Wartburg College in the fall and will
then be attending PT school and a $500.00 scholarship to Isabel Thier who will be
attending Iowa State University to study kinesthesiolopgy and plans to transfer to Allen College to study nursing.





The charter was draped in memory of deceased member Marcia Meyers.

Department Convention was held June 4 – 6, in Marshalltown. The following
Department officers were installed for 2021 – 2022:

President: Nancy Carrier from Evansdale
1st Vice President: Mary Steinbach from Waverly
2nd Vice President: Lois Weber from Evansdale
3rd Vice President: Brenda Taylor from Central City
Treasurer: Kathy Berning from Cedar Falls
Chaplain: Monica Anderson from Evansdale
Sgt at Arms: Heather Dolf from Evansdale
NEC Woman: Kathy Berning from Cedar Falls
Alt. NEC Woman: Gail Bunz from Hudson
Delegate to National: Nancy Carrier from Evansdale
Alt Delegate to National: Mary Steinbach from Waverly
Recording Secretary: Amy Slaba from Waverly
Executive Secretary: Mary Steinbach from Waverly
Jean Lanske won the Hospital Memorial award for her past work at the Iowa Veterans’
Home. Becky Cummings from Evansdale won the Auxiliary member of the year award.

The menu for the July food night will be meatloaf, cheesy potatoes, glazed carrots, and

There will be a meeting in July this year but not in August due to the National
Convention falling over the August meeting date. If you are wanting to attend our meetings, but don’t drive or just needing a ride, please call me 319-230-9318 and I will set someone up to pick you up.

Mary Steinbach, President AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary 319-230-9318