Category Archives: Announcements

Website announcements

Welcome to AMVETS Post 79, Waverly Iowa!

With a charter dating back to 1947, the Waverly AMVETS post 79 and its Auxiliary has a longstanding history of service, both to its community, and its veterans.  As we look to the future, we hope to continue the principles which have sustained our mission over the years.  As we make this transition, we look forward to many new projects which will extend our mission into the next generation of service members who, like their predecessors wish to make a better community for those with which they work and live.


We invite you to join us and experience the fellowship of veterans, wives and friends of veterans, both past and present.  Pride in service extends beyond the ranks of the military, and we would be honored to count you among our honored members.

If this is your first time visiting our new page, please take the time to go through our Tutorial.  Please come back on a regular basis, check Latest News and In Memorium for current information.

Renewal notice for 2022

uncle samAMVETS has a proud history of assisting veterans and sponsoring numerous programs that serve our country and its citizens. Since being founded in 1944, AMVETS has led the charge in assisting veterans to receive the benefits they so rightly deserve.

Over the past several months, you can’t pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV without hearing about the plight of the VA system. Earlier this year, AMVETS made specific recommendations to the Veterans Administration to fix the VA.

If you would like to read these recommendation, you can visit the website with the following link:

In order to continue to be a voice for veterans, we need your help!

It is time to renew for the year 2022 please do!  Check with your friends that served our country; active duty, reserves, National Guard, overseas or stateside, AMVETS is open to all.

Your membership helps us help veterans.

Volunteers Needed

The AMVETS Needs you!  The AMVETS Post 79 has a new web site!  In order to help spread the work load, we are asking that anyone with technical experience or a willingness to do so, help us maintain the new site.  A “How to:” book will be available to assist members with their tasks.

Tasks will include:
• Adding and updating various articles from the officers
• Adding new service members to the “Currently Serving” page
• Adding pictures to the “Galleries” page
• Sending out the Monthly Newsletter
• Posting memorials to fallen friends

If anyone is interested, please contact the post commander:
Ron Ihde 319 276 4662 cell 319 290 6762 e-mail