Auxiliary News – April 2017

Mary Steinbach
Local 2016-2017 President and
State 2016-2017 President




Mary Steinbach 319-230-9318 or

     As mentioned in the last newsletter, we have a collection bin at the WAVP for donated items going to Ronald McDonald House Charities.

Donna Fischer, Our Department of Iowa and our local 3rd Vice President, is collecting item from their wish list to be donated to them when we travel to Des Moines in April for our SEC meeting. The wish list is large so check out the bin at the WAVP for a list of items.

Thank you in advance for all donations!

Reminder that our National President, Evelyn McElvin, will be visiting the Des Moines area in April. The tentative agenda includes: touring the Van Meter Veteran’s Cemetery and the Capitol building, spaghetti dinner at Des Moines Post #2, Carnival Days at IVH in Marshalltown, attending the recognition dinner for Department of Iowa Commander, Mary Van Horn, and attending the Department of Iowa SEC meetings. If you are interested in meeting Madam McElvin, attending the recognition dinner for Mary Van Horn Saturday April 23, or attending the SEC meeting on Sunday, please contact me. I have reservation information for Mary’s dinner.

We will be completing our various reports on April 17. If you have information to be reported, get that information to one of our local officers or myself. You can e-mail you information to me: Examples of items that can be reported: hours volunteering at hospital/nursing homes, hospice, funeral for veterans, items donated to Goodwin, Trinkets and togs, IVH, etc., money donated to Cancer society, Heart Association, etc. Hy-Vee receipts, Box tops for Education, and Blood donations. This is just a very short list. Just get us the information and we will determine if it can be reported. Waverly Auxiliary Post #79 has been recognized at State Convention many times for the work we do here and for our Veterans. As State and local President, I would be so proud to be able to bring home awards presented to Auxiliary Post #79!

This month we have nomination of officers for the year 2017-2018. Most current officers have agreed to continue for another year, but we are looking for a new treasurer. Edith Morrill has held that position for more that 12 years. She has done a wonderful job and we appreciate her years of serving as treasurer. Contact me with any interest in this position or any other office.

Iowa AMVETS Spring Golf Tournament The Iowa AMVETS Early Bird Golf Tournament will be held at CARD Inc. Golf Course in Clarksville Iowa on Saturday June 3, 2017. The 2 person best shot tournament will have a 10AM shotgun start. Scoring will be Flighted and there will be special hole prizes. Pre-registration is required and is limited to the first 27 teams that sign up. The registration fee is $80 per team. This fee includes green fee, cart, lunch and prize fee. Mail completed registration form (found on the website) and money to Evansdale AMVETS Post 31, 706 Colleen Ave, Evansdale Iowa 50707. For more information call 319-234-9688.

FOOD FIGHT Riders President Natalie Cummings has chosen helping homeless veterans and veterans in need for her project. Please bring a nonperishable food item to your next AMVETS or Auxiliary meeting, and the items will be brought to her at the SEC meeting in April.

Dates to mark on your calendar: 1) Because We Care Day – April 5th at VA Hospitals 2) Honor Flight Variety Show April 8th at the Electric Park Ballroom. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 each. All proceeds from the event will help fund future Sullivan Hartogh Davis Cedar Valley Honor Flights.
 3)Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day .  The Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs will host a Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day on Friday, May 5th at the Vietnam Memorial on the Iowa State Capitol grounds beginning at 11AM. Following the event, a FREE luncheon will be held at AMVETS Post 2 in Des Moines. Vietnam Era Veterans who have not received the 50th anniversary commemorative pin are invited to attend at Post 2 for a special ceremony to receive your pin.