Auxiliary News – December 2016

Drop box for Iowa Veterans Home, Marshalltown.

Drop box for Iowa Veterans Home, Marshalltown.

Mary Steinbach Local 2016-2017 President and State 20196-2017 President

Mary Steinbach
Local 2016-2017 President and
State 2016-2017 President







Remember to donate! This box is located at the WAVP. Items can be dropped off there and we will take all donated items to Marshalltown VA Home In January when we go there for our Monthly Volunteer Day

This is just a partial list of items needed

Word Search, “Fill-it-in”, and Variety puzzle books

Men’s aftershave/cologne (no aerosol)

Full size personal care items (shampoo, deodorant, men’s body wash)

Candy bars -full size & snack size

individually wrapped snack items (“Little Debbie” snacks, chips, cookies)

Microwave popcorn

Forever Postage Stamps

Men’s Cloth Handkerchiefs (NEW – white)

Large Print Playing Cards

NEW CLOTHING DONATIONS: Only new clothing will be accepted. Primarily XL and above (as large as 5X)

Tee Shirts, Underwear, Gloves, Coats, Socks, Long Sleeved Undershirts, Sweat pants, Sweat Shirts2016-holiday
