The AMVET Auxiliary Ladies continue to volunteer at the VA Home in Marshalltown. If interested in going, August 7th will be the day this month. Contact Jean Lanske if you plan to go so she can arrange for transportation.
Our regular meeting is August 19th. I encourage more of our members to attend the meeting and find out more of what the Auxiliary is planning and help with upcoming events. Our membership dinner will be in October and your membership is very important to the AMVET Ladies Auxiliary. New members are always welcome, so if you are aware of someone that qualifies, or someone that has been a member in the past and would like to rejoin, please have them contact me or Jean Lanske for membership applications. The applications can also be found on our website. AMVETS Post 79
“We Waited Together – Now Let’s Work Together”
Sons and Auxiliary Members for Heritage Day Parade:
Jim Trask, John Mohlis, Jim Amosson, Veronica McKenzie, Patty Kaiser, Amy Slaba
The following new state officers were elected and installed:
President: Reece Casalavka
1st Vice: Carol Finger
2nd Vice: Brenda Reece
3rd Vice: Mary Steinbach
Treasurer: Lorna Golson
Chaplain: Karen Ann Miller
Sergeant at Arms: Colleen Dietricks
NEC Woman: Donna Fischer
Atl. NEC Woman: Gail Briddle Bunz
Sports Committee: Nancy Fingeroos
Delegate to the National Convention: Nancy Carrier
Alternate delegate to the national convention: Carol Finger