Author Archives: tlanske

Commander’s Call – October 2017

Bob O’Hare

Mark your calendars for the annual Post 79 membership dinner on October 11th. Social hour at 5PM and dinner at 6PM. This includes all AMVETS members, auxiliary members, and Sons. Patriot supporters are also welcome. Your 2018 paid dues include the cost of the dinner.  Even though the dinner is included with all life memberships, please consider a donation for the meal expenses.

Thanks to all who have already paid your 2018 annual dues. To save postage costs, your membership cards will be given to you at the membership dinner. If any life members need new cards, make Steve Van Helen or Carl Benning aware of your needs.

Veteran’s Day Activities, November 11th

Tentative plans include the regular monthly breakfast and a brief program at WAVP. We plan to have space and tables available for display of any military memorabilia. Again, these are tentative plans; stay tuned for definite and additional happenings.

Please watch the calendar for all of the events at the WAVP. Volunteers are always needed. Please don’t wait for a call. Step up and volunteer.

Lets not forget to honor and support our veterans.

Any questions or concerns call:

Bob O’Hare, Commander Post 79

Phone 319-404-2311

Commanders Call – September 2017

August is just about over. Man Oh Man! Where does the time go?School has started again, then it’s time for football.

Just a reminder to mark your calendar.  Oct 11th is the membership dinner for the AMVETS, Auxiliary, and the Son’s. Social hour 5 pm, dinner 6pm.

August 18 was our first fish fry in approximately 9 years. It was a great success. People enjoyed themselves and thought the fish was great. We would like to thank everyone for coming and hope to see them next, September 15th 5:30PM to 7:30PM. Thanks to all the people that put in hours organizing and working the fish fry. Special thanks to Tim and Tom Miller from Sumner for guiding us through the first fish fry. Check your WAVP calendar so you don’t miss out on all the activities.

Condolences go out to the Meyer Family. Herb passed away August 12. Herb has done so much for the AMVETS and the Waverly Shell Rock School. It would fill a book with all of his accomplishments. He will be greatly missed.

Also, our condolences goes out to the Schuler Family. Ken passed away August 1st.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.



Bob O’Hare


Commanders Call – August 2017


Bob O’Hare, Commander Post 79

I would like to send my condolence’s out to the Norman Herman Family.  Norm passed away Saturday, July 8th. Norm will be missed, our Prays go out to the Family.

It’s hard to believe that July is over already. The Heritage Day Parade was on the 15th of July. There was a good turn out even though it was hot and humid. There were many people standing along the parade route saluting the flag and cheering.

Check the calendar for all of the events going on this month at the WAVP.

Thursdays are food night (can’t go wrong there).  AMVETS Steak fry’s, third Saturday of each month (call in before 3pm on Saturday to reserve your steak. The phone number is 319-483-9287). There is also a short order cook the other nights.  Please help us put together a list of people to volunteer at all these events. If you are interested, please give me a call. Let’s make the WAVP a big success.

The Membership dinner is the 11th of October. It will be combined with the  Auxiliary & Sons again this year. Social hour is at 5pm, dinner at 6pm. Will have more information later.

First Fish Fry at the WAVP August 18th
We will serve from 5:30 until 8:00 to the first 300 people.  The menu will be: fish, potato salad, baked beans with a roll for $10.  We will need volunteers. If you wish to help call 319-404-2311.

Veterans Appreciation Night August 24th
This is a free event for area Veterans or Active Duty and one guest.  Attendees will enjoy a buffet provided by the Texas Roadhouse followed by a short program and self-guided tours of the Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum and Grout Museum of History & Science.

Guest are required to pre-register at or call 319-234-6357. Seating is limited and registering early is encouraged. The Museum is located at 503 South Street, Waterloo.

Des Moines Homeless Veterans Stand-down
The Des Moines Homeless Veterans Stand-down will be held beginning on Friday evening September 15, 2017 at 5PM and run through Sunday noon on September 17, 2017. This is one of the premier stand-down events around the Country. AMVETS is a principal sponsor of this event and Des Moines Post 2 and Cedar Falls Post 49 have supported it for many years. This year the event will be held at E12th and Des Moines St which is the former site of Des Moines General Hospital immediately north of the State Capitol. Approximately 1600 veterans are served each year through this event, receiving, medical, mental health, or spiritual counseling, meals, clothing, haircuts, VA benefit or job counseling, as well as a festival like entertainment event on Saturday evening. As in past years, it takes many volunteers to pull this event off. Volunteers may contact Kimberly Neal at 515-669-3732 if you would like to assist with this event.

Veteran’s Day at the Fair
Vets Day at the Fair August 14, 2017 – Any Member of AMVETS wishing to participate with a float needs to contact Meghan Larkin at the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs Camp Dodge. Parade begins at 11AM. Stop by and visit the AMVETS booth along the Grand Concourse at the Veterans Affairs booth.

Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament
The Iowa AMVETS Fall Golf Tournament will be held at Plum Creek Golf Course in Fredericksburg Iowa on Saturday September 23, 2017. Originally the tournament was scheduled for September 9th but now has been rescheduled for September 23, 2017. The 2 person best shot tournament will have a 10AM shotgun start. Scoring will be Flighted and there will be special hole prizes. Pre-registration is required and is limited to the first 27 teams that sign up. The registration fee is $40 per person which equals $80 per team. Registration fees are available on the Department website.


Bob O’Hare, Commander

(319) 404-2311

Commanders Call – Bob O’Hare – July 2017

Commander Bob O’Hare 319-404-2311

Summer is here and the kids are out of school.  Be alert to kids playing when you are driving.


I am looking forward to working with all the new officers in the coming year.

Check your calendar for all the events coming this month at the WAVP.  The AMVETS will be hosting a streak fry every 4th Saturday of the month.

Volunteers are always needed.

The AMVETS State Convention was held June 9th through the 11th   in Marshalltown.  Congratulations to Maria Kuiper a graduate of Waverly Shell Rock High School and daughter of Kevin and Kristen Kuiper.  She was sponsored by Waverly Post 79.  She is a recipient of a $2,000.00 scholarship.

Have a safe and happy summer.

Any questions or concerns please contact me:


Commanders Call – June 2017

Ted Lanske

*Welcome to summer and some new Officers on board.  AMVETS Post 79 had their election of Officers with final installation at our meeting in June.  This will be my final comments as Post Commander, but look forward to working with our new Commander and his Officers.

*Reminder:  To all parents and grandparents of young children, mark June 2-4 on your calendar.  Iowa residents may fish without a license on June 2, 3 and 4 as part of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) free fishing weekend.

“Free fishing weekend is a great opportunity for Iowans to reconnect with fishing,” said Joe Larscheid, chief of the Iowa DNR’s Fisheries Bureau. “Invite a kid, your best friend or your mom to come along. Have some fun and create new memories.”

*These are your Officers for 2017-18:

Commander Bob O’Hare   319-404-2311

Post Commander – Bob O’Hare
1st Vice Membership – Steve Van Helten
2nd Vice Programs – Edward Abben
Adjutant – Jon Kaiser
Finance – Carl Benning
Judge Advocate – James Brandau
Historian – Steve Van Helten
Provost Marshall – Larry Hansen
Service Officer – Cory Stephens
Public Relations – Ted Lanske
Chaplain – Gary Phillips

*From your new Commander in his own words:

*My name is Bob O’Hare.  I will be taking Ted Lanske’s place as Commander.  I have big shoes to fill.  With the help of all the AMVETS members, I hope I can make it work half as well as Ted.

I will tell you my background.  I’m a life member of the AMVETS, life member of the Marine Corps League, and a board member of the WAVP.  During the 1990’s I served three terms as Commander of AMVETS Post 79.

Some of the goals I have is increasing membership.  I hope to increase the steak fries to three or four a month with the help of the other organizations.  With the four organizations working together, we can get a fish fry going again at the WAVP.

To accomplish all of this we will need many volunteers.  Let’s talk to family and friends and get a volunteer list started.  If you have any questions or concerns my email address and phone number are as follows:    Phone   319-404-2311


Help AMVETS Help Veterans

Commanders Call – May 2017

Ted Lanske

*I wish there was space and time to “Thank” everyone that has supported our activities during the many years I have served as Post Commander, State Commander and various other positions.  The list is long and many over the years are no longer present, but had an influence on my life.  I truly appreciate those of you that have sat with me or allowed me to sit with you as we shared thoughts on various aspects of our Veteran’s organizations.  Friendly disagreement adds to the strength of a healthy organization and should never be put down, and an honest response is invaluable to maintaining integrity.  It is far better to state “I don’t know or have the answer, but will find out and get back to you”, then trying to live on B.S.  or lies.  I may not always have been successful, but as Commander, I have tried to be open to everyone’s opinion, but many times have supported what I felt was best for AMVETS at that time.

*REMINDER:  The election of Officers for 2017-18 will take place May 10th, with the meeting starting at 1900 or 7:00 p.m.  This is a terrific opportunity to become involved, showing support for Veterans with very little time involved.  If you have questions, I am willing to have coffee with you and discuss it.

*The VFW has the responsibility of promoting Waverly’s Memorial Day activities, but ask all of you to support the day’s activities along with our neighboring communities.  Reminding you now, that the parade route will be different with the closure of 1st St and Bremer Ave. NW.

*Cedar Falls AMVETS Post 49 is hosting the “Vietnam Traveling Wall” from May 17-May 21.  Volunteers are still needed and if interested:

Volunteer to help at The Wall That Heals
Follow the directions below:
Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page:
2. Enter your email address
3. Sign up! Choose your spots
If you are having trouble, email Donita Krueger at and she will send you a link, or
there is a sign up sheet at AMVETS Post 49

*As we look forward into May, let us remember; school will be coming to an end and sidewalks will be full of young bicyclists and children with no thought of danger.  It is up to us to slow down, be more vigilant (especially with the construction areas) and protect them.  If you have children or grandchildren, try to instill the reasoning of wearing a helmet and awareness of their surroundings.  The same should be said of water activities.  It is so heartbreaking to hear or read of a young child drowning in a farm pond or hit at an intersection.  We all need to be more aware of what and where we are and less time worrying about the chirping cell phone.  I wish all of you a truly SAFE and WONDERFUL SUMMER.

Help AMVETS Help Veterans

Commanders Call – April 2017

Ted Lanske

*We have successfully completed winter, and now look forward to seeing the effects of spring and warmer weather.  It is nice, when having coffee at HyVee, hearing people talk of walking outside again, seeing robins, or getting their bulbs or seeds ready.  Another sign that spring is here, is the arrival of trucks full of fertilizer, soil, yard displays, getting ready to setup in various parking lots.  So AMVETS family, it is that time if you are traveling; start a little earlier because we live in farm country and that means “huge tractors and equipment” also traveling the roads.  If you start 15 minutes early and that tractor appears ahead of you; you save yourself an anxiety attack and possibly a life.  To all, including me; drive safe, be smart and late today is better than late forever.

*To Bob & Sally O’hare, Wanda Benning and Waverly HyVee for assisting and providing the food for the Foreign Food Fair at the Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown.  We served over 90 residents and some family members at this annual event.  The residents that participate are appreciative, but those of us that volunteer receive the real blessings of these events.  The VSO volunteers also get to visit with each other, sharing thoughts, ideas or kind words and because there is no pay, everything is from the heart.  Jean and I just want to say “Thanks” to everyone.

*Information: The WAVP is now the guardian/representative of the Waverly Area Veterans Tribute.  The Tribute board felt that with the opening of the new Post and their board it was time to transfer that responsibility.  The Tribute board will have one final meeting shortly to finalize this action, but the finances and responsibility are now upon the WAVP board.  Any questions, concerns or brick requests should be sent/given to any of the following: Carl Benning, Roger Metzger, Richard Miller.  My thanks to everyone that was involved with this project.

*FYI:  There are several items of information that was provided by the Department of Iowa and National AMVETS available.  Please review the links noted below and clicking on them will direct you to the site.  Especially if you are a golfer or Rider.

  1. Department April Newsletter
  2. Recognition Dinner Des Moines
  3. BWC Packet (Because We Care) from National
  4. Clarksville Golf (AMVETS 2 person)
  5. Service Foundation Fundraiser (Poker Run)
  6. Operation Engage America

*Reminder:  The election of Officers will be held at the May meetings for AMVETS, AUXILIARY and SONS.  With the completion of the WAVP and a Manager, there is a lot less pressure on the VSO’s, so a great time to get involved.

*Reminder:  AMVETS will be hosting a steak fry April 1, 2017.

Marshalltown IVH will hold their Spring Carnival April 22, 2017

Marshalltown IVH will hold their Volunteer Awards Program April 26, 2017.



Help AMVETS Help Veterans

Military History – April 2017

Military History:  Believe it or not, but even old retired guys and younger working guys run into a time, where you just don’t catch up, therefore our Military History segment is going off center.  So “April, a month of firsts” contains some facts throughout our history that helped shape our country.  Many of them way before us or our Grandparents, but these “firsts” have had an impact on our lives and how we live, if we think deep enough.  More information on any of these can be found through Wikipedia or some key words in any trusted search engine.

April, a month of First’s

“not just April Fool’s Day”

April 2, 1792 – Congress established the first U.S. Mint at Philadelphia.  David Rittenhouse, an American scientist, was appointed the first director of the mint by President George Washington. Two lots were purchased by Rittenhouse on July 18, 1792, at Seventh Street and 631 Filbert Street in Philadelphia for $4,266.67. The next day, demolition of an abandoned whiskey distillery on the property began. Foundation work began on July 31, and by September 7, the first building was ready for installation of the smelting furnace. The smelt house was the first public building erected by the United States government. A three-story brick structure facing Seventh Street was constructed a few months later. Measuring nearly 37 ft. (11 m) wide on the street, it only extended back 33 ft. (10 m). The gold and silver for the mint were contained in basement vaults. The first floor housed deposit and weighing rooms, along with the press room, where striking coins took place. Mint official offices were on the second floor, and the assay office was located on the third floor. A photograph of the Seventh Street building taken around 1908 show that by then the year 1792 and the words “Ye Olde Mint” (in quotes) had been painted onto the facade.

April 3, 1860 – In the American West, the Pony Express service began as the first rider departed St. Joseph, Missouri. For $5 an ounce, letters were delivered 2,000 miles to California within ten days. The famed Pony Express riders each rode from 75 to 100 miles before handing the letters off to the next rider. A total of 190 way stations were located about 15 miles apart. The service lasted less than two years, ending upon the completion of the overland telegraph.

April 3, 1995 – Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor became the first woman to preside over the Court, sitting in for Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist who was out of town.

April 4, 1887 – The first woman mayor was elected in the U.S. as Susanna M. Salter became mayor of Argonia, Kansas   Her election was a surprise because her name had been placed on a slate of candidates as a prank by a group of men who were actually against women in politics and hoped to secure a loss that would humiliate women and discourage them from running.   Because candidates did not have to be made public before election day, Salter herself did not know she was on the ballot before the polls opened.   When, on election day itself, she agreed to accept office if elected, the Women’s Christian Temperance Union abandoned its own preferred candidate and voted for Salter en masse, helping to secure her election by a two-thirds majority.

April 6, 1896 – After a break of 1500 years, the first Olympics of the modern era was held in Athens, Greece.

April 8, 1913 – The 17th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified requiring direct popular election of U.S. senators. Previously, they had been chosen by state legislatures.  The amendment was proposed by the 62nd Congress in 1912 and adopted in 1913 upon being ratified by three-fourths (36) of the state legislatures. It was first implemented in special elections in Maryland (November 1913) and Alabama (May 1914), then nationwide in the November 1914 election.

April 12, 1981 – The first space shuttle flight occurred with the launching of Columbia with astronauts John Young and Robert Crippen aboard. Columbia spent 54 hours in space, making 36 orbits, then landed at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

April 18, 1942 – The first air raid on mainland Japan during World War II occurred as General James Doolittle led a squadron of B-25 bombers taking off from the carrier Hornet to bomb Tokyo and three other cities. Damage was minimal, but the raid boosted Allied morale following years of unchecked Japanese military advances.

April 30, 1789 – George Washington became the first U.S. President as he was administered the oath of office on the balcony of Federal Hall at the corner of Wall and Broad Streets in New York City.

Commanders Call – March 2017

Ted Lanske

*I would like to express my condolences to family and friends of Eugene (Gene) Gaulke (AMVETS)-D.- February 2, 2017 and Norma Briner (Auxiliary)- D.- January 23, 2017.  Gene always had a twinkle in his eyes and heartwarming smile and just enough mischief to keep things interesting.  Norma was a dedicated Auxiliary member and contributed what she could until her health limited those abilities.  May we all hold them in our hearts, prayers and memories.

*I would like to remember and express condolences to Jim Lahr’s and Ruth Rosol’s family and their friends.  Although not Post 79 members, they were Post 79 family and through the years supported our activities.  I am thankful they shared a portion of their lives with me and proud to call them friends.

*To Cyndi and Lyman Campbell, on the passing of Cyndi’s Mother, Barbara (Bobbi) (Ecker) Blatchford.  Bobbi was well known and Ecker’s Nursery was generous over the years to many community activities including AMVETS.  May we also keep Cyndi and the Ecker family in our prayers and share the memories with others.

*On a lighter side:  the weather has been un-winter like, but let’s not be fooled because we still have March Madness, which could be sports or snow.  The good news is that spring is not far away and the days are noticeably longer, so please stay safe, watch the weather, and get the grill ready.

*Department of Iowa Scholarship forms were dropped off at the high school, but they are accessible on line:  and scroll down to a pdf for scholarship 2016-17.  National AMVETS also has scholarships, forms accessible through National web site.

*My newsletter for March is shorter than most newsletters, and now looking at two more (April/May) to complete my term.  Minus the few months I missed, that adds up to approximately 135 newsletters.  Thank you again to everyone who has ever made a comment regarding the newsletter.

* * * * * * * * * *

*From Carl Benning, WAVP Board and Post 79 Finance Officer for the newsletter:

  1. Since we are spending over $1700 each year on the mailing of the newsletter, please consider giving us your e-mail address (you can drop it off at WAVP and designate it for the AMVETS newsletter, or enter your address on the front page of this site).  This will allow us more dollars that we can use for veterans’ services.
  1. There are over 180 AMVETS members in our local Post 79; however, only about 10 are present at the monthly meetings.  Pretty Sad!!  Decisions are made at these meetings; we would like more input and involvement from all members.  We meet the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm.  This is YOUR organization!!
  1. We are looking for more activities to keep our members active.  Any suggestions?  If you are willing to help with any activity, let us know.
  1. Election of officers is around the corner; the “old slate” is getting tired!  Please consider volunteering for any office.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Help AMVETS Help Veterans

Commanders Call – February 2017

Ted Lanske

*First I would like to congratulate Mary Steinbach for a successful recognition dinner and thanks go out to everyone who helped set up, take down and clean up the hall.  Many thanks also to those that donated food items, worked in the kitchen and just let Mary know, “we appreciate her”.  I want to add a personal “thank you” to Sandy K. Dietz, Patty Kaiser, and Sally O’hare for the tasty chili and kitchen help on Sunday.  I heard so many positive remarks on the facility from our visitors that came from all over the state.

*That said: AMVETS is considering holding their State Convention here in 2018.  In order for this to run smoothly and effective, several items regarding staffing, hours, accessibility, and a few minor details will have to be addressed.  This again is an activity that brings people from all over the State and frequently National Officers from “anyplace USA”, hoping these items can be addressed.

*Reminder to all:  AMVETS meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month (7:00 PM), AMVETS Auxiliary meets the 3rd Wednesday (7:00 PM) and the Sons are working on scheduling a monthly meeting.  These meetings are there for YOU.  Several people have commented or had questions for me that I do not have answers for, and this is YOUR opportunity to present them to AMVETS WAVP board members.  The floor is always open for honest discussions and questions and your concerns are probably shared by more than just you.  Nobody can fix or address items that they don’t know about, so come to a meeting, or write them in a signed letter and present them.

*The box of items collected for the Iowa Veterans Home was delivered the first Friday in January and was greatly appreciated.  Thanks to ALL that donated, whether large, small, many or one item, they will get used.

*Please check the calendar, facebook (Amvets Post 79), website ( for February updates on a regular basis.  Items of interest right now:  Super Bowl Sunday activities, Valentine’s Day, plus meetings and meals.

*REMINDER:  The countdown continues towards Post elections, and if you are interested in getting involved, either a little or straight to the top, come to the meeting in February.  Due to a commitment at the Iowa Veterans Home followed with a visit to the Iowa City VA Hospital, I will not be present at February’s meeting, so a great time to express yourself.   I have commented before, but in case you missed it, “I will not continue as Post Commander and it is time for young ideas”.

*I would like to express my “Thanks” again for the support over the last seven years and may all of you stay safe.  I am saddened to hear that several of our AMVETS family have had encounters with the ice, some serious and some just “oh sh_t”.  No matter what the encounter, it hurts and our prayers go out to those more serious.  Please let us know how you are doing or if some help is needed.

Help AMVETS Help Veterans