*Question- WHERE IS SPRING??
*This past month we lost two more AMVETs; Donald Miller, after a lengthy illness and Charles Bonavia. No matter where I ran into Don, he always had a comment and a twinkle in his eyes. Charles “Chuck” was always a regular at Hy-Vee and also shared his thoughts and smile with those around him. Thank you Don and Chuck for your comments and your friendship over the years; my thoughts and prayers to your families. We have an AMVET, Brian Killian, and an Auxiliary lady, Judy Behne, they could use your healing thoughts and prayers.
*My thanks to those AMVETS that have recently renewed and to those that have not, I will be reviewing the lists: National, Department and Post, and effective with the May mailing or email notice, the have not’s will be removed.
*Reminder: Any AMVET is invited and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings at the VFW Post on the second Wednesday at 1900 hours (7:00 pm). At the upcoming meeting in April, suggestions will be accepted for Post Officers and board members and our nominating committee of Carl Benning and Dave Farran will present their list. The floor is open to anyone for comments or suggestions. Voting and installation will take place at the May meeting. We will also be discussing some proposed upcoming changes to our web site and handling of membership.
*Although most of you never met her, our Veteran family lost a quiet supporter in Mary Buchholz. Her husband, Larry is a VFW member and on the WAVP board, and though Mary was fighting her illness, she still helped when she could at the Saturday breakfasts. It was an honor for me to know her and watch the family grow up, and hear of their achievements.
*After the last newsletter, I received input from individuals regarding future or possible temporary sites, other than the Legion Post. These two sites (Red Fox? Cafe and the catering area by Fainting Goat) have been looked at. If you wish to discuss my findings, contact me personally, but know they were looked at and we are still open for more suggestions.
*AMVETS will again order “Care Bears” to be passed to Law Enforcement Officers or EMT responders to be given to young children during a time of crisis. This has been well received in the past, so if you would wish to help defray the costs, please send a check to Post 79, PO Box 93 and note “Care Bears” on it. Our order at this time is for 20 bears at a cost of $120.00. Picture a child sitting alone in a squad car after an accident as EMT’s tend to the parent or parents, now the same picture with that child and a “Care Bear”, believe me, it does make a difference.
*To ALL OF YOU that support our food nights including steaks, WAVP breakfast, or any of our AMVET Family activities, either through attendance or volunteering; please accept this THANK YOU. It is because of ALL OF YOU, that I can say, “Proud to be Commander of Post 79”.
**This month we celebrate Good Friday and Easter Sunday. If my mentioning these days offends you, tough-that is your problem. I dedicated seven years of my life to my country, so all of us could have our freedoms and beliefs. This is mine, therefore; May all of you have a Happy Easter, enjoy your families, love and hug each and every one, and call someone you have lost touch with. Make this season special.
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