AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Newsletter

Reminder, we voted to change to start time for our AMVETS Auxiliary meetings. Starting in June the meetings will start at 6:00pm.

Scholarship winners: The two local Auxiliary scholarship winners were Hanna Fanter and Katie Wichman. The Sharon Sebilsky Memorial scholarship winner was Samantha Edwards. 

I want to Thank all the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary who worked to make the Memorial Day activities successful.

Donna Fischer 319-352-1358 or

2019-2020 AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Officers

President  Donna Fischer

1st Vice President  Mary Steinbach

2nd and 3rd Vice President  Vicky Green

Secretary  Amy Slaba

Treasurer  Sandra Miller

Sgt. At Arms  Amy Slaba

Chaplain  Nancy Edwards

Parliamentarian  Veronica McKenzie

Hospital Chair  Wanda Benning

Americanism Officer  Amy Slaba

Scholarship Chair  Nancy Edwards