We had another GREAT turn out for our Thursday night food, serving around 130 utilizing the drive up and sit down. Next month, April’s menu will be chicken breasts, baked potatoes, layered lettuce salad, and a dessert. Thank you to the ladies for preparing the meal and those there that night to serve it and clean up. We are always looking for others to help, preparing and serving, so if you would like to be added to the list to call for help, please contact Wanda Benning 319-240-4950.
This month we will also be doing the 6 month reports that will be sent in to the Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary. If you have done any volunteering, made monetary donations, donated used items, etc. please get that information to me or one of the officers. You can e-mail me any information to be recorded. mjonlyu@outlook.com.
Child Welfare
Child Welfare projects benefit only children up to age 18 and are as unlimited as your imagination. We assist children with many needs such as clothing, school supplies, and medical supplies: sponsor projects in orphanages, children’s homes and Scouts.
Community Service
Any program that benefits adults and children in the community is considered Community Service. AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is an essential part of the community by contributing to the welfare of all citizens. Our service work in the community is a testimony to our compassion for our neighbor.
The Hospital Program of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is diversified in so far as it is carried on in all types of hospitals providing health care to the physically and mentally ill; this includes nursing homes and medically staffed convalescent home, but unified in its objective to bring cheer and diversion to the hospitalized Veteran, their dependents and the community it serves. The bulk of our voluntary service is given in VA Medical Centers across the country where there is something for all to do.
A positive Americanism program is basic to the objectives of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary: the intent is lost unless all members actively participate as purposeful citizens. Let the community you serve know that members of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary are responsible citizens by sponsoring and participating in projects that will strengthen the: Democratic Way of Life”. We promote Americanism through programs such as our Poster and Essay Contest, sending children to Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, PA and annual fall conference for Auxiliary members in Valley Forge. For more information visit Freedoms Foundation at www.fredomsfoundation.org.
REPORTING Reporting is Important Because:
Reporting is Important Because:
• Reporting validates our organization’s charter. It is documented proof that AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary actually fulfills its Aims and Purposes and helps qualify our organization to keep its federal tax exemption.
• Reporting provides the opportunity for the members of Local Auxiliaries to pause and review, with pride, the tremendous job they are doing. It gives them the opportunity to see all the projects they have done for the year come together in one picture and to realize that they have made a difference in their communities.
• Reporting shows that Auxiliaries standing side by side across the nation do accomplish great things.
• Reporting means belonging to an organization that CARES…an organization that SHARES…an organization that is concerned about those who need help.
• Reporting means belonging to AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary and being proud of it!!!
Our Meeting time has changed. Starting in April we will meet at 7:00 at the WAVP. Please make sure to change this and plan to attend all upcoming meeting.
Mary Steinbach AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79 President mjonlyu@outlook.com 319-230-9318