It seems like forever since were we able to last meet, and we are all hoping that the “end” of this virus threat is soon. “End” is just a term used give us hope, but what we have experience these last few months will forever change our lives, and those changes will never “end”. We hear in the media about “Iowa strong”. We are! As Iowans we have always been there to lend a helping hand, use our strengths to assist those in need, and supported each other in any crisis. I wish to thank the staff at the WAVP for stepping up to prepare and serve take out meals for the WAVP and also the community for supporting their efforts. The staff did a great job providing between 79-120 meals for the past Thursdays! Let’s hope that the WAVP will be able to open soon and all the organizations can get back to meetings, Food nights, Steak Frys, Fish Frys, the Breakfasts, and we can socialize among friends.
Jean Lanske, the Hospital Representative for the Iowa Veterans Home in Marshalltown helped provide snack and goodies, and juices for the residents, I made 170 masked and mailed them to IVH to provide protection for the residents and also caregivers there. Nancy Edwards had a friend making masks and she also mailed them to IVH. For now, the ladies that normally volunteer there the first Friday of each month will have to wait until it is safe for them to do so again. I know the volunteers miss going as much as the residents miss seeing the “RED Coat Ladies”.
If at all possible, the Auxiliary will meet on May 20th @ 6:00. The top most agenda will be the installation of Officers for the 2020-2021 year. If this is not possible before the National Convention in August, the current officers will continue with the office for the year 2020-2021. This information comes from the National President, and the National AMVETS Commander. This ruling is also true for the Department of Iowa Officers. More information on this can be found by going to “Latest New” on the website.
For now, stay safe, stay strong, and stay healthy!
Mary Steinbach