AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Mary Steinbach 319-230-9318

*Americanism chair, Amy shared the information she had compiled regarding holding the Americanism coloring and poster contest with the local elementary schools.
She is planning to talk to the management at the Dairy Queen when they open to see if they might be willing to sponsor the prizes for the younger children’s coloring contest.
We will keep you posted on this new project for the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary.

*We are saddened by the loss of another Auxiliary member, Loretta Davidson. Please keep her family in your prayers as they go through this difficult time. Our Chaplain, Nancy is asking if you know of a member needing prayers and support, to contact her with the information. You can call or text to 319-573-3454. Scholarship forms are available for our local AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary and also for the Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship. We will also be awarding a Scholarship in the name of Past local President Donna Fischer. Forms are distributed to the school or you can ask for a copy by contacting Nancy Edwards 319-573-3454  or myself.

*Our six month reporting period is coming up in April. Vicky Green is asking that you send any information regarding Community Service or Child Welfare volunteering, monetary or other donations to her e-mail  The list of ways to volunteer is too long, but here are a few examples: Community and church meals, Ronald McDonald house, Meals on Wheels, used clothing and household donations, Humane Society-Retrieving Freedom-Paws with a Cause, elderly visits-helping with transportation, recycling, knitting/quilting lap blankets, donating used eye glasses or hearing aids/batteries, collecting Hy-Vee receipts for the schools, sponsoring a child’s book club, any cash donations to organization (Cancer society, American Heart, St. Jude’s, etc.) The list goes on. The importance of reporting this for our Auxiliary is to give validations of a non-profit doing work for our communities and for our Veterans and their families. This accumulated list from AMVETS, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary, Sons of AMVETS, and AMVETS Riders is used when our National Officers testify before Congress to protect the benefits or change the way Government views  our Military and their families.

*Thanks to the ladies preparing and serving our meatloaf dinner in February. Many great comments on the meatloaf. “Make a change” project for February was the Ronald McDonald House in Iowa City. Thank you for those who contributed. The March dinner will be our “famous” Beef and Noodles meal. Mark you calendars and plan to join us that night. We are always looking for ladies to help prepare or serve the food. If you can and/or are willing, please call or text Wanda @ 319-240-4950 to find out where help is needed. The same few ladies have been doing this and would welcome any help.

&A Department fundraiser raffle tickets were distributed at the Winter SEC meeting.
They are $1.00 each or 6/$5.00 and are available for purchase from Mary, Jean, or Amy. Proceed from the raffle will help fund the Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary so we can continue to work for our Veterans, their families, and the Communities across Iowa.