We were blessed to have new faces attend our meeting in January; Vicky Green and Lois DePeuw. Welcome and hoping to see you in the upcoming meetings!
Americanism chair, Amy shared the information she had compiled regarding
holding the Americanism coloring and poster contest with the local elementary schools.
She is planning to talk to the management at the Dairy Queen when they open to see if
they might be willing to sponsor the prizes for the younger children’s coloring contest.
We will keep you posted on this new project for the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary.
We still have a group of ladies traveling to the Iowa Veterans’ Home in Marshalltown. In December they were able to deliver about $600.00 worth of donations collected at the WAVP for the holidays. They worked in the craft room and helped take down Christmas decorations in the morning, and hosted BINGO in the afternoon.
Chaplain, Nancy Edwards asks that you keep the following in your prayers: Marlys Minnaert, Charlotte Johnston, Joyce Schmidt,Tina Sturgess, Susan Bast , and Veronica McKenzie whose daughter is undergoing treatment, a son is recovering from surgery, and a close friend. This past few day we lost an Auxiliary member, Marianne Trerotola. Keep her family in your thoughts and prayers. A sympathy card was sent to Department of Iowa AMVETS Commander, Kevin Reece, for the passing of his wife Brenda. Brenda was a Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Hospital Representative for the Iowa City VA. Mary, Amy, Jean, and Nancy attended the celebrations of life for Brenda.
Scholarship forms are available for our local AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary and also for the Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Scholarship. We will also be awarding a Scholarship in the name of Past local President Donna Fischer. Forms are distributed to the school or you can ask for a copy by contacting Nancy Edwards or myself.
Thanks to the ladies contributing dessert and worked at our Food night in January.
“Make a change” project for this month was for the Donna Fischer’s memorial scholarship
The February food night will be held on Thursday, February 27. The menu will be meat
loaf, baked potatoes, glazed carrots, and a dessert (yet to be determined).
A Department fundraiser raffle tickets were distributed at the Winter SEC meeting.
They are $1.00 each or 6/$5.00 and are available for purchase from Mary, Jean, or Amy. Proceed from the raffle will help fund the Department of Iowa AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary so we can continue to work for our Veterans, their families, and the Communities across Iowa.