Our membership dinner will be held in October. Please look for more information at a later date. It is still in the planning stages. In the mean-time, you can prepay you membership dues by sending $20 to membership chair,
Mary Steinbach
901 7th Ave. NW
Waverly, Iowa 50677.
Our goal is to add 20 new members. If you know of someone that would qualify as a member, invite them to come to this dinner to learn more about what we do as an organization.
The Hy-Vee receipt program has started back up again. Save your receipts, bundle them together with a total of the receipts and get them to one of our officers. We will record the amounts and make sure they are turned over to the schools so that they can get much needed equipment and supplies. There are many programs that don’t take much time that all members can participate in. In upcoming newsletters I will Highlight a different program. If uncertain what can be reported, come to our meetings to learn more, or just get us the information and we will determine what and where it can be reported. Any volunteering or items collected validate us as a non-profit organization helping our Veterans and their families.
Mary Steinbach and Amy Slaba traveled to Central City of July 4. They participated in their parade and attended the dedication of their Veterans’ Memorial.
Dita Boroom, Sandy Dietz, Nancy Edwards, Veronica McKenzie, and Sally O’Hare
volunteered at the Iowa Veterans’ Home on Friday, July 5. They worked in the craft
room in the morning, and hosted BINGO in the afternoon. This is a monthly event, the first Friday of the month. If you would like to volunteer at the IVH for the day, contact Jean Lanske 319-269-3371.
Please keep our members that are sick or hospitalized in your prayers. If you know of a member that needs a little “pick me up”, contact our Chaplain Nancy Edwards 319-573-3454 so a card may be sent in the name of AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary.
Thanks to all the ladies who volunteered for our food nights in July and August. Both meals were a hit. With the profit of these meals throughout the year we are able to give back to many projects and fund our scholarship program. Thank you for your continued support.
The Heritage Days Parade was Saturday, July 20. Mary had the privilege of driving our Department President, Brenda Taylor. Later that day we also had 8 National Sons of AMVETS officers visit the WAVP. All were impressed with the building and the great hospitality of John Mohlis, our local Sons of AMVETS Commander.
I was thrilled to be able to attend this years National AMVETS Convention held in Louisville, KY. The highlight of the week was having President Trump as the guest speaker during our opening session. We all witness the signing of his referendum to forgive student loans to Veterans that are 100% disables.
We waited together, now let’s work together