AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

The Waverly AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary has 14 new members, 97 renewals and 32 Life members for a total of 132 members.

After a vote, the meeting time will be changed to 6:00 starting in June and the quorum will now be five members rather than six.

Once again, thank you for supporting our Thursday food nights. From the profits and donations, we are presenting scholarships to 3 area students. Waverly Shell Rock awards breakfast will be May 8. Breakfast at 7:00. Awards presented beginning at 7:30.

No parade in Waverly for Memorial Day. The WAVP will have a program and will be serving lunch.

We Still have a few Offices that need to be filled when we elect officers this month. Contact me if interested.

Donna Fischer 319-352-1358 or