AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary News

Donna Fischer 319-352-1358 or

As of our January meeting the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary had 4 new members for a total of 122 members. The AMVETS Auxiliary did not meet in February due to the bad weather. We will have a lot to report at our next meeting. We will also have a Draping of our Charter in memory and to honor our past local Presidents who are no longer with us.

We have scholarship forms available now for the local and Department of Iowa Ladies Auxiliary. If you would like a form, contact Nancy Edwards or one of the officers and we will make sure to get you the form. Forms are also available at the High School Office.

In March, the ladies will be serving our “famous” Beef and Noodles meal on March 28th. Our food night meals help fund our scholarship fund and also the many project in which we donate. Plan to attend. We thank you for your past support and am grateful for your continued backing.