Mary Steinbach 319-230-9318 or
April was a busy month for many Auxiliary members. A group of ladies attended the Honor Flight Variety Show in Waterloo on April 14th. The dinner show was filled with wonderful entertainment, a good meal, raffles, silent auction, and more. Money raised from the night is used to send more Veterans to Washington DC to tour and see the various war memorials.
April is our service report month, and I am very pleased with what was turned in to report. I know more auxiliary members do tons of volunteering. In the upcoming months, I will report on the various items that can be reported. Please take note, record what you do, and turn those items into me or one of the Auxiliary officers.
April 21 and 22 was our quarterly AMVETS meeting in Richmond, IA. Saturday was the recognition dinner for Department of Iowa Commander, Kevin Reece with meetings on Sunday. It was a very productive weekend, rapping up another year, and looking forward to State Convention in June.
One of our own, Donna Fischer traveled to DC as part of the Sons of AMVETS on the Hill. Donna and several other Department auxiliary members joined the Sons of AMVETS when they spoke on Capitol Hill. She shared their legislative priorities: suicide prevention, traumatic brain injury, toxic wounds, and veteran treatment courts.
May is election month! Please consider becoming an officer, or simply attending more of the Auxiliary meetings.
We Waited Together, Now Let’s Work Together