Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year.
Thank you for your continued support by paying your 2022 dues, attending the monthly Thursday night meals, and any monetary donations made to the Auxiliary.
Last month, we bought items to put together gift bags for 20 Veterans at Bartels. Children from the Waverly Child Care made cards that were inserted in the bags Wishing them a Merry Christmas and thanking them for their service. This is just one of the many projects the Auxiliary supports. We are always looking for volunteers to help with the Food nights, prepare and serve meals, and many other projects done through out the year.
Plan to attend the monthly meetings, 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 7:00. By attending you can learn more about upcoming events, projects, and volunteer opportunities.
Thank you to all Auxiliary members for this past year’s dedication to supporting our Veterans and their families.
The AMVETS Auxiliary Motto “We waited together, now Let’s Work Together”.
Looking forward to 2022, coming together as an team to do more for Veterans, our Community, our Hospitals, and our Youth.
Mary Steinbach, President, AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary #79
319-230-9318 mjonlyu@outlook.com