Mary introduced Cheryl Davis Sauerbrei who has agreed to take over the office of Chaplain.
The AMVETS Department Convention will be held June 4 – 6, in Marshalltown. It was decided that the Auxiliary would donate $25.00 to the Patron’s Page and would contribute $50.00 to the
President’s gift. We are also donating a $50.00 gift card for the Department fundraiser. If you are interested in attending the Convention, I have registration forms.
A BIG thank you to John and Eunice Mohlis making the frames for the charters and the plaques to display the past Department presidents’ and commanders’ photos. Plaques are being engraved and all will be re-hung soon. The charters have been taken to Michaels and have been matted and framed.
We had another successful dinner last month. Thank you to the ladies for making and serving the meal and especially those supporting our food night. Because of this support, we are planning to award 2-3 scholarships this year. Stay tuned next month for more information on our scholarships.
Nominations for the 2021 – 2022 officers were made and are as follows:
President: Mary Steinbach
1st Vice President: Amy Slaba
2nd/3rd Vice President: Sally O’Hare
Amerianism: Amy Slaba (?)
Chaplain: Cheryl Davis Sauerbrei
Secretary: Amy Slaba
Treasurer: Sandy Miller
Hospital Chair: Wanda Benning
Parliamentarian: Veronica McKenzie
Food Night Coordinator: Wanda Benning
The officers will be voted upon and installed at the May meeting. Please plan to come in
uniform that evening.
Watch the paper and the Facebook page for information concerning the Memorial Day Activities.
Mary Steinbach-9318, President 319-230