Donna Fischer 319-352-1358 or
I would like to Thank everyone who came to the WAVP to the AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary Christmas hors d’Oeuvres party on December 20th. Thank You again for supporting the AMVETS Auxiliary.
The Winter Department of Iowa State Executive Committee (SEC) meeting will be held Sunday, January 20, 2019 at the Evansdale AMVETS Post (706 Colleen Avenue). The meeting will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. with a Joint Opening with the AMVETS and Sons. Please let me know if you are interested in attending the Winter SEC meeting. This would be a great opportunity to experience the Department AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary meeting.
If you have not paid your 2019 dues to the Auxiliary, they are $25.00. Not much when you realize what your dues do to help our Veterans. With your membership, it gives the Auxiliary strength in numbers when presenting issues to our congress to preserve Veteran’s benefits. Locally it helps with WAVP activities and being able to communicate with our members.
Dues may be sent to: Mary Steinbach
901 7th Ave. NW
Waverly, Iowa 50677
We Waited Together, Now Let’s Work TogetherIf you have an email address please send it to Mary Steinbach to receive the calendar and news online.