Waverly AMVETS Auxiliary History
Formed in 1947
From the Bremer County Independent,
Dated: Wednesday, March 7, 1956
Early in the years of World War II, there was formed an organization dedicated to our Servicemen know as “United Service Women of America.” A group of local women formed Unit No. 105 of Iowa here in Waverly in September 1942 and chartered with fifty-six members. They elected Mrs. Wm. A. Osterholm as their first President.
All during World War II, they devoted much time to helping in many ways our serviceman. They made pillows, quilts, sleeping garments, and many other items for the needy. They served in the Canteen at Waterloo, meeting Troop trains and giving aid to boys in Service in any way they could. They contributed $50.00 worth of supplies to the Battleship Iowa. In the fall of 1946, the United Service Women of Iowa held their State Convention in Des Moines with on of their chief objectives to stay alive as an organization as their war work was almost through. They were approached by the American Veterans of World War II and the American Veterans Committee to affiliate with their organizations. However, it was favored to join with AMVETS, which they did.
The local United Service Women formed an AMVET Auxiliary with Hazel Eggleston, last President of United Service Women Unit No. 105 carrying on as President of AMVET Auxiliary. The Waverly AMVET Auxiliary of Post 79 was chartered September 29, 1947 from National and State, and Mrs. Nevlyn Evans was installed as President in October 1947. She was followed in office by Mrs. Doris Tharp, Mrs. Ellyne Dillavou, Mrs. Norma Briner, Mrs. Lavon Juhl, Mrs. Ester Downing and Mrs. Lorraine Morrill.
Mrs. Margaret Pauley is the present president with Mrs. Burneile Wylam, Sr V-Pres. and membership chairman; Mrs. Maxine Baker, Jr. V-Pres. and Hospital chairman; Mrs. Nevlyn Evans, secretary; and Mrs. Olive Juhl, treasurer.
The following women are charter members of AMVET Auxiliary of Post No. 79: Hazel Eggleston, Mamie Wylam, Dorothy Butzlaff, Margret Finger, Lillian Isham, Lula Anhalt, Ila Homan, Dorothy Ormston, Olive Juhl, Alice Lageschulte, Vera Eggleston, Doris Briner, Nevlyn Evans, Sophia Polenz, Maxine Baker, Marian Nelson, Dorothy Kettner, Eva Eggleston, Frances Eggleston, Opal Kirby and Agnes Pape.
Of particular note was the effort and assistance the Auxiliary made to form an AMVET Post in Waverly, assisting in calling the first group meeting for organization at which they served lunch and gave $25 to the Post at the time of their chartering in January, 1947.
The chief aims and purposes of AMVETS Auxiliary is to serve our country in peace and war, preservation of American democratic way of life, to assist our youth and aid Veterans of World War II and Korean Conflict, as well as all other servicemen.
The local Auxiliary has always held their White Clover Day sale near V-J Day, which is the sale of the AMVET flower standing for “THINK of ME”. The proceeds of which go for State Veterans Hospital aid. They have sponsored a child’s care either in a Veteran’s Children’s home but most often locally in the Lutheran Children’s Home, since organization. They assisted in the AMVETS major project AOK, donating items for the overseas packages as well as helping collect for them.
The Auxiliary made our Post No. 79 Colors which they presented to them for the Memorial Day service in 1949.The Auxiliary has always participated in the Memorial Day services held here. Much sewing has been done, as well as money donations, cookies, prized and other requests filled for the Veterans Hospitals in the State of Iowa, chiefly the hospitals at Knoxville, independence and now the Veterans Hospital at Iowa City.
A group of ladies from the Auxiliary very recently served as hostesses at Iowa City on a special hospital day. Assistance is always given local veterans whenever in need. The present major project of the Auxiliary is furnishing the kitchen of the new AMVET Home with equipment, dishes, silver and cooking utensils. They served at both the Hawk’s Hangout and Canteen on formation of these clubs. Also, patients at the local Mercy Hospital from the Waverly Air Base were visited and taken magazines and offered assistance for errands.
Members of the Waverly AMVET Auxiliary of Post No. 79 have and plan to continue both Service of our Servicemen (SOS) and our Community as long as in existence.